发布时间:2023-03-18 来源:中山+


The 28th China (Guzhen) International Lighting Fair (GILF) opened at the Guzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in Zhongshan, Guangdong on March 18, lasting until March 21,2023. The 28th GILF is hosted by Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government and China Association of Lighting Industry, and organized by the People's Government of Guzhen Town and Guzhen Lighting Expo Co., Ltd. 

第28届中国·古镇国际灯饰博览会开幕。记者 余兆宇 摄



With the theme of “Guzhen lights up the world ”, the 28th GILF features digital upgrading of  the industry, intelligent manufacturing, energy conservation, design, and cross-border cooperation.GILF sets Guzhen Convention and Exhibition Center as the main venue, joining hands with 8 branches (lighting megastores) to achieve over 1,500,000 m²of exhibition area, and gathering over 3,500 high-quality enterprises together.

▲第28届古镇灯博会开幕式现场。记者 余兆宇 摄


As of March 17, the day before the opening of the Guzhen Lighting Fair, more than 80,000 visitors from home and abroad have signed up for the event. Recently, the 28th GILF has been selected as one of the recurrent activities held by the Ministry of Commerce to bolster consumption in 2023. It is also known as one of the important economic and trade activities held by the Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government to promote the brand of Zhongshan manufacturing.

▲第28届古镇灯博会开幕,古镇镇党委副书记、镇长阮志力致辞。记者 卢兴江 摄


Obviously, Guzhen Town spares no efforts to hold a professional, market-oriented, far-reaching and international lighting event. It will be a must-see trade show with distinguished guests and help cement its position in the lighting market as the lighting capital of China.

▲投资项目现场签约。记者 余兆宇 摄

【翻译与校对】甘颖 廖薇 当劳

Reporter: Lu Xingjiang

Translated by Ganying & Liao Wei

Edited by Donald Kepple

Zhongshan International Communications Center

编辑  王欣琳  二审  朱晖 三审 向才志

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