Zhongshan Tips 05 | 外籍学生在中山上学是怎样的体验?What is it like for foreign children to attend school in ZS?

What is it like for foreign children to attend school in Zhongshan? Follow Paul to the China (Hong Kong) English School to have a closer look.

China (Hong Kong) English School has a history of over 29 years. Adopting a bilingual teaching program, many foreign children are enrolled at this private school. 

CHES is divided into kindergarten, primary section and middle school. Almost 80% of the students who graduate from the high school here go on to world-class universities.

In addition to CHES, there are other private schools in Zhongshan that also enroll foreign students. There's yet another private school being built to meet the diversified needs of students. Foreign students can also apply to attend public schools as long as they meet the requirements of the relevant policies.

If you have any question or need assistance, you can contact the Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports with the number 0760-89989208.






◆制作:中山日报  中山+
◆监制:徐小江 程明盛
◆总导演:谢琼 陈浩勤
◆翻译/校对:饶梅芳  大力

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